
Showing posts from March, 2023

Why Affordable Medicine Degree from Russia is Blessing for Indian Students

Passion to study Medicine and the respect that the profession commands drove numerous Indian scholars to study medical degree in Russia. Disappointed over not getting a seat in government Indian medical university as NEET UG cut off goes veritably high and private colleges in India demands huge fees, numerous MBBS aspirants decided to explore overseas options. Limited number of medical seats in government colleges and the high donation at the private universities are biggest constraint for scholars in India. Studying in a private university needs minimal budget of Rs 50 lakh to 1 crore. And hence several scholars from middle- class families fail to take admission for MBBS in India. Similarly, scholars chose the country Russia to study MBBS abroad for its reasonable fees structure and the cordial political relation that it shares with India. Also, Russia has some of the top medical universities in the world. Getting a seat for MBBS in Russia Indian scholars are offered admissio