Why Affordable Medicine Degree from Russia is Blessing for Indian Students

Passion to study Medicine and the respect that the profession commands drove numerous Indian scholars to study medical degree in Russia. Disappointed over not getting a seat in government Indian medical university as NEET UG cut off goes veritably high and private colleges in India demands huge fees, numerous MBBS aspirants decided to explore overseas options.

Limited number of medical seats in government colleges and the high donation at the private universities are biggest constraint for scholars in India. Studying in a private university needs minimal budget of Rs 50 lakh to 1 crore. And hence several scholars from middle- class families fail to take admission for MBBS in India.

Similarly, scholars chose the country Russia to study MBBS abroad for its reasonable fees structure and the cordial political relation that it shares with India. Also, Russia has some of the top medical universities in the world.

Getting a seat for MBBS in Russia

Indian scholars are offered admissions in top Russian medical universities on the base of their NEET- UG scores with an equal significance given to their class XI and XII academic performance. In addition, medical applicants also need to have a minimum of 50 marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

In Russia, all MBBS programs correspond of 12 semesters with course duration of six years including a year of internship. Following the medical course class from an early grade i.e. 11th also allows scholars to make a strong base of understanding in the medical field.

Emphasis on practical examination

Piecemeal from some small differences, the MBBS syllabus in Russian medical universities is nearly the same as in Indian colleges. But unlike India where further focus is given on proposition, Russian MBBS degrees focuses on giving practical knowledge.

In universities of Russia, formerly a content is tutored, class tests are conducted on the veritably coming day to estimate scholars' abstract understanding. On completion of all chapters, yearly credit tests are held wherein further emphasis is given to verbal examination; adding that practical assessments allow students to cross-question professors and check their depth of knowledge.

Scholars are estimated on the base of examinations conducted on semester end and the yearly credit tests. Most universities also offer a separate language course for international scholars to help them overcome the language hedge. It's obligatory for every pupil to qualify the language test so that they can communicate with local patients and peoples comfortably.

Following the completion of his medical education programmer, scholars aspire to pursue a master's degree with specialization in their area of interest. Most of them ultimately want to exercise in India after qualifying the screening test conducted by the NMC for foreign MBBS graduates.

Russians are polite and warm hosts and are kind towards the International scholars, which makes it the favorite study destination for scholars from different countries like Ghana, Nigeria, Egypt, UAE, Bangladesh and Pakistan.


For scholars who are seeking admission to a MBBS abroad university, scholars should conclude for the institution after proper verification and within their budget.

Scholars must apply after vindicating the university’s detail with the NMC’s guidelines. They also need to be mentally set for the coming challenges as there are pros and cons to every condition. Medical applicants should be prepared to be biddable towards the rules and regulations of the foreign land.

Talking about the challenges in Russia, Russia is a fairly colder place than India and the temperature then always remains relatively low. Language hedge is also there originally but can be manage gradationally. But, to live the life without challenges is like food without the swab. Challenges are bound to be there but real life begins beyond the comfort position of every existent.

Also Read: MBBS Abroad in 2023 for Indian Student

Get in touch with our expert student advisors at info@avglobaloverseas.com or call us at +918530490888 for MBBS admission in Russia or any countries in 2023.


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